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Nikol Pashinyan: ‘We have the ability to administer 1,000 tests per day’

April 13,2020 18:25

“Unfortunately, the overall number of deaths reached 14 today. The number of people under doctors’ care is 814 at the moment,” Minister of Health Arsen Torosyan said during the extraordinary session of government, noting that large quantities of tests were administered over the weekend. “On Saturday, 680 tests were administered, and 467 were administered on Sunday.”

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that Armenia now has the ability to administer 1,000 tests per day, but patients need to have symptoms. “Because it is not necessary to ask people on the streets to take the test.”

In response, the minister said that, every day, the number of administered tests will increase. “At the moment, 6 labs are administering tests. Most likely, one more lab will start to administer tests this week.”

Lusine Budaghyan

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