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The rescuers removed the car from the river

April 15,2020 17:45

On April 15, at 08:59 the rescue squad of the Center for Carrying Out Activities of Special Importance of the Department of Rescue Forces of the Rescue Service of MES of RA again dispatched to the scene in order to remove the car from the river.

The rescuers pulled the car from the river by crane.

It should be recalled that on April 14, at 18:17 an emergency call was received to Crisis management national center that a car had fallen into the river near Davtshen bridge of Yerevan.

The rescue squad of the Center for Carrying Out Activities of Special Importance of the Department of Rescue Forces of the Rescue Service of MES of RA dispatched to the scene.

It turned out that “BMW” car had run off the roadway and fallen into the Hrazdan river.

Before the rescuers arrived at the scene the driver and 2 passengers of the car had been taken out of the river by local forces: the latters were hospitalized to “Armenia” RMC.

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