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Young people help fight against COVID-19 in Armenia

April 23,2020 12:30

EU NEIGHBOURS . The ‘Restart’ student initiative in Armenia has mobilised university students across the country to raise awareness about COVID-19 and to inform people about how to stay safe.

Since 16 March, the network has cooperated with the country’s Ministry of Health by distributing posters and flyers with information about preventing the spread of the virus. So far, they have covered several districts in Yerevan, targeting cafés, pharmacies, banks and other centres, as well as more than 15 other cities and villages, with that number growing daily.

A team of Restart volunteers has also started making videos as part of this campaign. A music video in support of health workers has been viewed more than 120,000 times and was shared by the country’s Minister of Health.

‘Restart’ is a nation-wide network supported by the organisation European Endowment for Democracy. The network seeks to protect the rights and interests of students and to support a reform in higher education in Armenia. To date, the organisation has hundreds of active members and communicates daily with over 1,000 university students.

Photo: EDD

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