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‘Today, we remember with gratitude our ancestors who fought for their dignity and survival and who went through ineffable trials’: Serzh Sargsyan

April 23,2020 17:36

Headed by Third President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, the Executive Body of the Republican Party of Armenia has issued a statement on the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

Headed by Third President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, the Executive Body of the Republican Party of Armenia has issued a statement on the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, which reads:
“Dear Compatriots,
Today, the Armenian people and the civilized world commemorate the victims of the Armenian Genocide. The outset of the twentieth century was stained by the Medz Yeghern, one of the most appalling crimes perpetrated against mankind with unprecedented atrocity at a state level in Ottoman Turkey, due to which part of the Armenian nation was exterminated and deprived of homeland.
We are paying tribute, incensing and bowing before the memory of 1.5 million sanctified martyrs of the 1915 Armenian Genocide.
Peace to their tormented souls!
Today, we remember with gratitude our ancestors who fought for their dignity and survival and who went through ineffable trials.
Glory to them!
This very day five years ago, a landmark document expressing the Armenian nation’s consolidated will and vision – the Pan-Armenian Declaration on the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide – was made public at the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial, the original copy of which was handed to the Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide. Today, after five years, it stands for an emblem of solidarity and the ultimate guidance to our nationwide struggle.
We are bound by duty to hand down to the next generation a secure and powerful homeland. Anyone has to make sure that we will not afford a new genocide. We will never allow it again.
We must continue our nationwide struggle for historical justice with exceptional unity. The issue of international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide should be part of Armenia’s foreign policy agenda until we achieve the final triumph of human conscience and justice over intolerance, hatred and evil.
Genocide denial is doomed to failure, especially today when many countries and organizations around the world have joined our fight for justice.
Today, on April 24, all Armenians must realize the exceptional significance of having an independent Armenian statehood that will no longer allow the recurrence of such a crime. The Armenian state must carry on with the defense of our just cause in international courts. Mankind should consider any attempt to erase the traces of the Armenian Genocide as continued criminal encroachment against humanity.
Dear Compatriots,
Today, as we bow to the memory of our sanctified innocent victims, we must state that cohesion and solidarity should be the basis of the Armenian people’s drive for a free and peaceful life in their homeland.
Amid the global pandemic, let the flowers that we used to lay at the Eternal Flame of the Armenian Genocide Memorial at Tsitsernakaberd Hill as a symbol of pain and struggle be substituted with a nationwide prayer to commemorate our ancestors and reaffirm our commitment to Christian values, Armenia’s independence and freedom!”

Third President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan

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