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The primary mission and main responsibility of the Republic of Armenia has been to ensure the security of its people on the territory of their historic homeland. Zohrab Mnatsakanyan

April 24,2020 18:46
“Beginning 105 years ago, despite the pledges and promises of international security guarantees, the Armenian people were abandoned and defenseless in the face of this crime of genocide and vulnerable to the unrelenting atrocities of its perpetrators.
The Armenian people suffered through the horrific ordeal of Genocide, but against all odds they survived. In the wake of their genocidal trauma, these heroic survivors were not only able to preserve and promote their national identity everywhere they sought refuge and safety, but also managed to restore and regain the Armenian statehood.
For each day since, the primary mission and main responsibility of the Republic of Armenia has been to ensure the security of its people on the territory of their historic homeland.”
Anna A. Naghdalyan

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