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‘Aren’t we supposed to be social distancing?’: Former Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan is in parliament

May 11,2020 16:46

Currently, former Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan is participating in a session of the Inquiry Committee for Examining the Circumstances of the Military Activities of April 2016. Before the session began, reporters asked him many questions regarding issues with the lack of diesel fuel during the April War and his conversation with Nikol Pashinyan, but Karen Karapetyan did not answer any of them.

Upon seeing reporters standing close to him, he said, “Aren’t we supposed to be social distancing?” Karen Karapetyan promised to answer questions after the session.

The third president of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, had also been invited to a session of the committee.

Hripsime Jebejyan

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