EU NEIGHBOURS. According to a recent survey, Ukrainians regard the EU as Ukraine’s principal partner in helping them overcome the COVID-19 crisis. The public opinion survey was conducted at the end of May upon request of the EU Delegation to Ukraine.
The priority areas listed by Ukrainians are healthcare (81,2%), older people and people with disabilities (42,3%), small and medium-sized businesses (41,8%), small farms (24,4%), fighting disinformation (22,6%), and residents of regions affected by the armed conflict (15%). This is fully in line with the EU’s €190 million emergency support package for Ukraine.
The largest share of the respondents (32%) believe the EU was the first foreign entity to assist Ukraine in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Other responses include the World Health Organization (23,3%), the United States of America (18,7%), China (10,2%) and other countries.