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Naira Zohrabyan: ‘Today marked the beginning of the end for these authorities’

June 15,2020 00:21

“If they think that they can silence the opposition in this way, then today marked the beginning of the end for these authorities,” Prosperous Armenia deputy Naira Zohrabyan told reporters near the NSS building.

She said that she does not doubt that the ruling party will vote in favor of depriving Gagik Tsarukyan of his immunity. “Although I must say that there are some honorable deputies in the My Step party, and I don’t know the level of pressure that there will be on some people. But I want to remind all of them not to forget about tomorrow and to not forget that tomorrow will be the day that we all must take responsibility. I hope that the authorities will adequately evaluate this situation and they won’t continue to complicate the situation through illegal and vulgar means.”

According to Naira Zohrabyan, it is impossible to put them under pressure. “Let them arrest and take all of us into custody. All the deputies from Prosperous Armenia are ready for that. If we are standing here and defending the rights of all those who say that they cannot be silenced, then we understand all the possible consequences that these authorities are capable of.”

When asked if the possibility of resigning from parliament has been discussed, Naira Zohrabyan said that new elections will not lead to that. “When this constitution was being accepted, I spoke about this issue with constitutional experts. As far as I am aware, they have the proper number of deputies that it will not cause the parliament to dissolve.”

Ami Chichakyan

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