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‘I will cut my hands off here if it is proven that I bribed someone’: Naira Zohrabyan

June 16,2020 18:00

“Mr. Prosecutor General, your efforts to open a criminal case against me will be futile. You are a poor prosecutor general and lawyer. The search of my office at the Prosperous Armenia office finished, but you made up some stories about how it was possible for evidence of bribery in the 2017 elections to be found in my office,” Prosperous Armenia deputy Naira Zohrabyan said in parliament regarding the search that took place in her office.

She continued to speak to the Prosecutor General, Artur Davtyan. “You know, you can accuse me of a lot of things, including being too emotional, but Naira Zohrabyan will cut her hands off right here if it is proven that she could have bribed someone. You wrote that I said in a phone call that ‘the people will not vote without being bribed.’ This shows that you were listening to my phone calls for two years. I will be sending this to all the European agencies that are already concerned about this issue.”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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