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Nikol Pashinyan: ‘I did not infect anyone’

June 16,2020 20:18

“I learned about the effectiveness of wearing masks from personal experience,” Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said during a briefing after the State of Emergency Command meeting. He said that yesterday marked 14 days since he was diagnosed with the coronavirus, and upon analyzing his public meetings during those days, he came to the following conclusion. “I did not infect anyone because I was wearing a mask since the first day I was infected. And we contacted all the people whom I had come into contact with as their incubation period ended yesterday. All of them had negative test results, and I am happy about that.”

Pashinyan said that, from personal experience, he became convinced that wearing masks guarantees that no one will get infected and no one will infect anyone else.

Besides that, Pashinyan also said that, approximately one week ago, the State of Emergency Command’s decision that made wearing gloves mandatory was redacted due to new knowledge. According to the Prime Minister, experience showed that different substances can accumulate on gloves, which is why it is better to simply wash your hands every so often.

Nelly Babayan

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