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The antibody for “Herpes” virus has been discovered, the turn is for “Coronavirus”

June 23,2020 16:30

The pandemic due to COVID-19 was an unprecedented challenge to the current system of civilization and the global scientific community, which has been engaged in the solution of the most difficult problem of developing the antiviral drug. The Armenian part of the scientific community is not in the status of an observer as well. Since mid February the potential of scientific expertise of “Cigaronne” company, which has been periodically developing innovations for around two decades, has been extensively engaged in bringing its support to the universal efforts in discovering the antiviral drug.

As a result of its work lasting for several months, the specialists of “Cigaronne” company have developed a herbal antiviral drug that has been tested on the HHV-1 virus of “Herpes” family, which is classified among the most harmful Herpesviruses, the antibody of which has not been discovered yet, the experiments have been conducted in the Institute of Molecular Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia.

According to professor Zaven Karalyan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Medical Sciences, who has been supervising the experiments, incredibly positive results were registered in terms of the medical and prophylactic effect.

The herbal antiviral drug with a non-toxic dose suppresses the activity of the virus for twenty-four hours and stimulates the immune system by increasing the number of interferons within forty-eight hours, and has a double substantial effect in overcoming the disease quickly.

The herbal antiviral drug developed by “Cigaronne” company is essentially a discovery of global significance that will be a turning point in the global health care system, leaving a positive effect on the health of millions of people.

On this encouraging ground experiments are being conducted to determine the effect of the antiviral body on COVID-19 virus, based on the results of which the works to develop a COVID-19 antbody will continue.

SPS Cigaronne Press Service

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