EU NEIGHBOURS. A total of 40 Ukrainians will enrol in one of the 123 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) in Europe with the financial support of the EU programme ‘Erasmus+’. This year, the EU granted scholarships to nearly 2,500 applicants from over 140 countries.
The 33 female and 7 male representatives from across Ukraine will start their EMJMDs in August–September.
Over 250 applications were submitted from Ukraine this year, competing against nearly 30,000 candidates from around the world. A total of 950 applications were sent from the Eastern partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine), with 115 of them being successful.
Since 2014, nearly 250 Ukrainian students have studied an EMJMD. They are considered ‘Ukrainian ambassadors’, as they promote and support Ukraine in Europe and contribute to their country’s development, modernisation and reforms.