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EU supports business plan ‘e-pitching’ for disadvantaged communities in Armenia

July 10,2020 11:45

EU NEIGHBOURS. From 30 June to 2 July, 17 residents of disadvantaged Armenian communities participated in business plan ‘e-pitching’ sessions. They were among the 70 participants of IRIS Business Incubator Academy, which is supported through the EU-funded EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis.

The presented business ideas spanned from agriculture to tourism and hospitality, as well as textile and fashion, arts and crafts, service industries, and many more. The pitching sessions targeted self-employed Syrian Armenians, repatriates, and locals with business ideas who plan to start a new venture.

In the sessions, the 17 participants from Armenia pitched their sustainable business plans via webcam to a professional jury panel, consisting of IRIS Programme partners, experts, and businesspeople.

The best business plans will be announced in the upcoming weeks and the winners will receive grants of up to AMD 2.5 million (the equivalent of approximately €4,500) to bring their ideas to life.

The next e-pitching sessions will be held in mid-July 2020.

Photo: European Union

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