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Minister Mnatsakanyan presented the CSTO Secretary General with detailed information on the ceasefire violations committed

July 13,2020 20:23

Phone conversation of the CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas

On July 13, Foreign Minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan held a phone conversation with CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas.

Minister Mnatsakanyan presented the CSTO Secretary General with detailed information on the ceasefire violations committed by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in the direction of the Tavush region starting from July 12 and the resumption of those operations in the morning of July 13, as well as the consequences of further escalation of the situation.

Foreign Minister Mnatsakanyan underscored the unacceptability of such actions towards the CSTO member-state.

The constant contact with the CSTO Secretary General is maintained, and the works within the CSTO are continuing.


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