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Prime Minister refers to Azerbaijan’s subversive attack

July 16,2020 15:59

At the beginning of the July 16 regular sitting of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan referred to the subversive attack launched by more than 100 members of the Special Forces of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan late into the night at around 03:40 yesterday.

“Dear Colleagues,

Yesterday, at around 03:40, a special squad of Azerbaijan’s Armed Forces, consisting of over 100 people, carried out another subversive attack with a view to getting hold of an Armenian border position known as Anvakh (Fearless) in Tavush region.

The outpost is located in the direction of Movses and Aygepar villages of Tavush region, which has been the target of Azerbaijan’s onslaughts in recent days. Having spotted the adversary’s maneuver, our border-guard troops went into an all-round defense and prevented the attempt of subversive infiltration.

After a fierce battle, the enemy was pushed back suffering human casualties and hardware losses. Then, at 05:20, the Azerbaijani units started shelling Aygepar and Movses villages with the use of mortars and D-30 howitzers. In parallel, attacks were launched on other Armenian outposts near Anvakh, but the Armenian Armed Forces retaliated and took full control of the situation.

I would like to stress that we have no casualties: neither among the military, nor among the civilian population. Let me note that in recent days, starting from Sunday, the Azerbaijani side has shelled the villages of Movses, Aygepar, Chinari, Nerkin Karmiraghbyur, as a result of which civil infrastructure and houses have been damaged. I have already issued an instruction to evaluate the damage caused in recent days and give an assessment.

Dear Colleagues, Major Garush Hambardzumyan, Captain Sos Elbakyan, Junior Sergeants Smbat Gabrielyan and Grisha Matosyan were killed in the recent tensions on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. I suggest holding a minute of silence to honor the memory of our heroes.”

The government held a minute of silence in memory of our fallen servicemen.


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