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Fight cybercrime with the Budapest Convention!

July 21,2020 14:52

A new report from the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) lays out the benefits and impact of the Budapest Convention on law making, domestic and international investigations, public/private cooperation and the strengthening of criminal justice capacities on a global scale.

Practical experience shows that the Budapest Convention is more than a legal document. Backed up by the T-CY and the C-PROC specialised Cybercrime Programme Office for global capacity building, it is a framework that allows hundreds of practitioners worldwide to share experience and create relationships that enhance cooperation in specific cases, including in emergency situations, beyond the specific provisions foreseen in the convention.

As treaty membership keeps growing, capacity building programmes are expanding and the treaty is further evolving through the future 2nd Additional Protocol on enhanced international cooperation and access to evidence in the cloud. The Budapest Convention is therefore likely to remain highly relevant and make an impact worldwide for many years to come.

 Report 2020

Council of Europe

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