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‘I want you to take with you affection and appreciation you will see in Armenia’: President Armen Sarkissian received the team of German medical workers

July 22,2020 12:25

President Armen Sarkissian hosted today a team of medical workers from Germany who have arrived to Armenia to assist their Armenian colleagues in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and share their experience. Present at the meeting were also the first Deputy Minister of the RA Ministry of Health Anahit Avanessian, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Armenia to the Federal Republic of Germany Ashot Smbatian and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to Armenia Michael Banzhaf.

President Sarkissian expressed gratitude to the medical workers for their mission and noted that the pandemic is a global tragedy which can be defeated only through a global fight against it. “We all have to bring together our efforts in this fight. With this regard, your assistance and support are very important,” the President of Armenia said. “I take this opportunity to also express my gratitude to the people of Germany, my good friends President Steinmeier and Chancellor Merkel.”

President Sarkissian invited all to visit Armenia after the pandemic with families and friends. “I want you to take with you affection and appreciation you will see in Armenia and maintain friendship between Armenia and Germany,” President Sarkissian said.

Germany’s Ambassador to Armenia Michael Banzhaf expressed thanks for hospitality and noted that Germany views this pandemic as a global challenge and their team is here to support the efforts to overcome it. According to the Ambassador, this visit will also allow to establish a long-term cooperation between the two countries in the area of healthcare.

The Office to the President of the Republic of Armenia

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