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‘A process is underway to create Soros surrogates instead of nations, do you understand?’: Robert Kocharyan speaks about the values of Pashinyan’s government

July 30,2020 11:45

In an interview with Channel 5, Yerkir Media, and H2, second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan labeled the foreign policy of the current authorities as being natural policies: incomprehensible, just as the weather.

According to Kocharyan, it is important to understand what is taking place in the world in order to implement proper foreign policy. However, he doubts that the current authorities understand that.

Robert Kocharyan said that a lot of money was spent on establishing thousands of NGOs, which all had the purpose of spreading globalization. “Now the trend has changed. People believe that the diversity in civilization and culture is a source of power that needs to be fought for. It is impossible to deprive any nation of its uniqueness. That is an issue of identity.” Kocharyan believes that Russia and China are the main countries fighting for such values. They have a lot of civil potential and powerful cultures. Their cultures and histories play a huge role in their national identities. “Now, the majority of our authorities came from NGOs that were on the second track of globalization. The government is still holding onto those policies and taking us to a place that everyone else is running away from. And this is exemplified through their treatment of our national values and our church, which are very important parts of our national identity. They are trying to remove those from our culture and our curriculum. Do you understand? They are taking us towards a trend that is going away and that others are trying to run away from. We have even seen that nationalist groups have performed better in elections throughout Europe. This needs to be connected to foreign policy.”

Then, Kocharyan clarified his thoughts even further. “A process is underway to create Soros surrogates instead of nations, do you understand?”

To summarize, Kocharyan said that anyone who is in favor of their national values needs to fight against this.

Hripsime Jebejyan

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