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For the purchase of equipment for the new Mother and Child Health Center a fundraising will be held through the channels of the “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund

August 05,2020 17:12

On 4 August Artsakh Republic President Arayik Harutyunyan held a working consultation on the issues of purchasing the necessary equipment and inventory for the new Mother and Child Health Center.

President Harutyunyan mentioned that the main construction activities are in the final stage and after discussions with experts and responsible officials of the sphere a final decision was made to put it into commission as a maternity hospital. The building of the current maternity hospital will serve for the treatment of those infected with the Novel coronavirus.

The responsible officials of the sphere presented reports to the President on the acquisition of necessary equipment assuring that the list contains products of the world’s leading companies corresponding to the modern standards of quality.
Сonsidering the urgency of the problem the President noted that for the purchase of the equipment the Government has concluded loan agreement with the “Artsakhbank” CJSC. For obtaining the necessary sum and loan repayment “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund will hold a fundraising.

Minister of Healthcare Ararat Ohanjanyan, Minister of Finance Vahram Baghdasaryan, Executive Director of the “Artsakhbank” CJSC Artak Balayan, health care sphere experts and other officials partook at the consultation.

The Office of the NKR President

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