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Video conference on health and coronavirus pandemic issues held between Yerevan and Saint Petersburg

August 11,2020 13:50

On August 7, a video conference related to the sphere of heath care and prevention of coronavirus spread was held within the scope of the cooperation program between Yerevan and Saint Petersburg. The representatives of Yerevan Municipality and St Petersburg Government participated in the video conference. Yerevan was represented by the head of the Department of Foreign Relations D. Gevoryan and the head of the Department of Health K. Babinyan. Petersburg party was represented by the vice-governor O. Ergashev, the special representative of St Petersburg Governor on health issues A. Ter-Minasova, the first deputy chairman of the Health Committee A. Sarana, deputy chairman of the Committee for Foreign Relations A. Khlutkov. The RA Deputy Minister of Health L. Nanushayn as well as the representatives of the medical establishments of both cities took part in the conference too.

The medical establishments develop a special format of cooperation within the scope of the program of cooperation between Yerevan and Saint Petersburg. During the event the parties exchanged information on the situation caused by pandemic and on the actions carried out to prevent its spread.

Yerevan Municipality

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