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Arayik Harutyunyan : ‘We are ready to host all Lebanese Armenians at our homes ensuring for them living conditions’

August 11,2020 16:57

On 10 August President of the Artsakh Republic Arayik Harutyunyan convoked a working consultation dedicated to the assistance being rendered to Lebanese Armenians.

President Harutyunyan noted that in connection with the Beirut tragedy a working group for organizing and coordinating the activities on providing material support to the Armenian community of Lebanon has been formed headed by chief adviser to the President- Ambassador at large Rudik Hyusnunts.

The President reminded that already yesterday a chartered plane «From the people of Artsakh to Lebanon» with humanitarian aid landed in the international airport of Beirut, underlining that assistance of the Artsakh people will be consistent.
Arayik Harutyunyan said that Armenian community of Lebanon will be provided direct financial support and arged all people of Artsakh to participate actively in the fundraising to be held. The President announced that despite his recent promise to transfer the presidential salary to charitable foundations, this time it will be directed to the Lebanese Armenians as an aid. The Head of the State empasized that financial means will also be allocated from the reserve fund of the Government.

The President of the republic noted that despite the limited capacity of the republic’s housing stock, all efforts will be made to ensure favourable living conditions for all Lebanese Armenians willing to settle in Artsakh. «I declare, that even in the absence of free housing stock we are willing to host all Lebanese Armenians ensuring for them living conditions in our houses»,- emphasized Arayik Harutyunyan.

The Office of the NKR President

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