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The organization, the holding of the events of family by the Commandant’s established rules will be allowed. But, not more than 40 people can participate in such events.

August 13,2020 12:19

On August 12, the RA National Assembly convened a special sitting by validity of law having on the agenda the decision on extending the state of emergency declared on 16 March 2020 and on Making Amendments and Addenda to the decision N 298-N of 16 March 2020 of the RA Government of the Republic of Armenia.

The RA Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan has informed that it is proposed to extend the state of emergency declared on 16 March 2020 in the Republic of Armenia and the state of emergency extended until 12 August from 12 August at 17:00 until 11 September 2020 at 17:00 including.

Tigran Avinyan has hoped that it is the last time the declared state of emergency conditioned by COVID-19 is extended. The Deputy Prime Minister has informed that the document also designs to ease the restrictions to some extent. In fact, from now on the holding of assemblies and strikes will be allowed, during which the participants will be obliged to wear masks and keep at least 1.5 metre distance between each other.

The organization, the holding of the events of family and entertainment character and their participation by the Commandant’s established rules will be allowed. But, not more than 40 people can participate in such events.

It has been noted that the concerts, exhibitions, theatrical performances, sport, cultural or educational-instructive other events are considered of entertainment character, if their organization and holding are not considered economic activity.

Festive and memory ceremonies, including birthday, wedding, engagement, the repose of souls and funeral ceremonies are considered family events.

The document removes the ban of the RA entry of the persons not having the RA citizenship, but entering the country, the given citizens shall be self-isolated. During that period, they can be tested, and the answer of the test will be negative, then they can get out of self-isolation.

The other provision removed the possibility of using restrictions of transporting goods through customs.

Tigran Avinyan has informed that by the decision of the Government from 15 September the general schools, preliminary and secondary professional institutions, the art, music and fine arts schools will be opened, a decision on the higher educational and a number of educational institutions will be made during the upcoming week. In the near future, the libraries and the museums will also be opened, the open-air theatrical-concert and cultural events will take place.

Tigran Avinyan answered to the MPs’ questions and proposals. Let us note that 35 MPs were registered for addressing their questions.

A question was voiced on mandatory wearing a mask in the personal cars and open-air areas.

Tigran Avinyan clarified that in the near future, until 14 August the regulations on easing these restrictions would be reviewed. According to him, wearing the mask will be mandatory in the public transport and taxis. It will not be mandatory in the nature, but it will be mandatory in the open-air areas.

The Deputy Prime Minister also touched upon the leaving of the citizens from the Republic of Armenia, noting that the RA Government had not designed any restriction for the citizens in this case. According to the Deputy Prime Minister, some restrictions are designed by the decisions of the government or relevant bodies of other countries.

In response to the questions, Tigran Avinyan referred to the re-opening of sport schools, galleries, the ways of further organizing distance education, the statistics of violation of the established rules, the standards of holding gatherings, the spec ification of wearing mask procedures, the health consequences of wearing masks, the tuition fees of the higher educational institutions, the support programmes, the possible risks of extending state of emergency, the support of the tourism sphere, the regulations of entering the country, etc.

According to Tigran Avinyan, the anti-epidemiological fight is a result of cooperation between the RA Government and the society, which succeeds in the last months.

Speaking on behalf of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport, Mkhiitar Hayrapetyan touched upon the explosion occurred in Beirut and in this context, the policy being pursued with the Diaspora. He has underlined that Armenia has a sense of responsibility not only towards the Armenian community of Lebanon, but also towards the people of that country.

Speaking on behalf of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs, the Committee Chair Naira Zohrabyan has opined that it is not expedient to extend the state of emergency, there is no ground for that, and the Prosperous Armenia Faction will vote for the draft law on not extending the state of emergency to be presented after a little while. According to her, it will be possible to carry out the presented restrictions by several amendments to the law on Protection of the Population in Emergency Situations. Naira Zohrabyan also reflected upon the problem of the families leaving for outgoing work, the purposefulness of wearing mask in open-air areas and the anti-epidemiological actions of police.

Mikayel Melkumyan spoke on behalf of the NA Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration. He voiced the issue of the negative impact on extending state of emergency over economy and the society. The Committee Chair also referred to the steps to be taken in the near future, underlined that in parallel with the process of overcoming the pandemic bases should be created in terms of generating positive expectations towards the future. To Mikayel Melkumyan’s conviction, we shall be able to overcome the problems in the right way, which will be possible to fulfill only in the atmosphere of mutual consent.

The Head of the NA Bright Armenia Faction Edmon Marukyan presented the viewpoint of the Faction. He informed that they presented the RA NA draft decision on Removing the State of Emergency and called on to vote for it. Being for the preservation of the anti-epidemiological rules, the Head of the Faction has opined that it is necessary to take out the country from the state of emergency regime, adding that it is senseless to continue its preservation. To Edmon Marukyan’s assessment, the amendments to the relevant laws will give an opportunity to carry out restrictions.

Arman Abovyan expressed the viewpoint of the NA Prosperous Armenia Faction. The Secretary of the Faction voiced the problem of the tuition fees during the distance education in the conditions of the state of emergency, adding that numerous parents became unemployed in these days. Without denying that the public health is the most important thing, Arman Abovyan expressed opinion that extending the state of emergency would result in the growth of social tension and increase of economic problems. He has informed that their Faction will join the draft law on Removing the State of Emergency presented by the Bright Armenia Faction.

In his concluding speech Tigran Avinyan touched upon the MPs’ concerns and presented clarifications. To his conviction, in the created situation extending the state of emergency regime at this phase is in fact the best legal solution. According to Tigran Avinyan, the crisis emerged because of coronavirus pandemic has mainly an impact on the economy, also on different spheres and creates social problems in the whole world, as well as in Armenia.

As a result of voting, the parliament did not pass the RA NA draft decision on Removing the State of Emergency presented by the Bright Armenia Faction. Let us note that the NA My Step Faction voted against it.

The National Assembly ended the work of the special sitting.

RA National Assembly

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