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Ucom offers “Oodles of Internet” to Its mobile voice service customers

August 28,2020 14:16

The new subscribers of Ucom voice services will get twice more gigabytes than intended by their chosen tariff plan within 24 months in a row, by joining any of uPrepaid and Universal/Universal Plus postpaid tariff plans by October 31 of this year.

In particular, the new subscribers of u1000 prepaid tariff plan will get 4 GB mobile data per month, instead of the usual 2 GB, and those of u1500 tariff plan will get 8 GB high-speed mobile data per month, instead of the usual 4 GB. The new subscribers of u2000 prepaid tariff plan will get 12 GB high-speed mobile data per month, instead of the usual 6 GB, and those of u3000 tariff plan will receive 20 GB high-speed data per month, instead of the usual 10 GB.

The new subscribers of Universal/Universal Plus 2900 postpaid tariff plan will get 14 GB high-speed mobile data per month, instead of the usual 7 GB, those of Universal/Universal Plus 5500 tariff plan will get 30 GB high-speed mobile data per month, instead of the usual 15 GB. If the customers choose to join Universal/Universal Plus 8000 tariff plan, the monthly inclusion of mobile data will amount to 60 GB per month, instead of 30 GB, and if Universal/Universal Plus 12500 postpaid tariff plan is chosen, customers will get 100 GB high-speed mobile data per month, instead of the usual 50 GB.

“By the way, the existing subscribers of all Prepaid as well as Universal/Universal Plus tariff plans and Monthly Subscriptions will be able to activate the existing “Internet 20 GB” bundle at a special price of 1900 AMD, instead of the current 6500 AMD, till October 31 of this year,” said Ara Sergei Khachatryan, Director General at Ucom.

We should add that there is no need to enter into any commitment, in order to benefit from “Oodles of Internet” offer. We should also remind that currently, when buying any Samsung smartphone online, the subscribers of all Prepaid as well as Universal/Universal Plus postpaid tariff plans will get 50 GB mobile data for a period of 30 days.


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