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EU on recent Crimean Tatars sentence

September 24,2020 22:30

EU NEIGHBOURS. On 18 September, the EU reacted to a recent sentence applied by the Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don. Seven individuals arrested in the Crimean peninsula on 7 July have received 13–19 year sentences for their political affiliation.

The EU Spokesperson said the EU “does not recognise the enforcement of Russian legislation in Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as it is illegal under international law, nor the transfer of Ukrainian citizens from Crimea to courts in Russia”.

The EU called on Russia “to reverse these decisions and to release all illegally detained Ukrainians without delay” and “to end the pressure on the Crimean Tatar community”.

“The European Union is unwavering in its support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders” concluded the EU Spokesperson.

Photo: European Union

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