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The statements of the citizens showing their readiness to host in theirs apartments and homes once again show our unity

September 28,2020 14:38
The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Zarouhi Batoyan
Dear compatriots,
Yesterday I made an announcement that the state bodies will be able to deal with the housing issue if necessary. But, as I noted, that is not necessary at the moment.
The statements of the citizens showing their readiness to host in theirs apartments and homes once again show our unity, however, according to our data, at the moment there are more people who want to help our compatriots than our brothers and sisters who need it.
What about the spontaneous wishes to host the children and their families who have arrived from Artsakh, please restrain and do not spread them.
My dear, strong and victorious people, we will turn to you if necessary. Just keep in touch with The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of RA.
Thank you.
Armenian unified infocenter

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