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Los Angeles City Council approves Krekorian resolution condemning Azerbaijan’s unprovoked attack against the Republic of Artsakh

October 01,2020 09:16

Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian sponsored a resolution today through which the City of Los Angeles has condemned the brutal and unprovoked invasion launched over the weekend by Azerbaijan against the Republic of Artsakh. The resolution, which was co-sponsored by Council President Nury Martinez, demands that the Trump Administration and the Congress “utilize all diplomatic, economic and political means to compel Azerbaijan to engage meaningfully in the peace process.” 

Krekorian’s resolution emphasizes that support for Artsakh is essential to US interests and core American principles.  “Because our country is based on and committed to the values of democracy, liberty and the right of self-determination, the United States has a moral obligation to stand up and speak out on behalf of the people of the Republic of Artsakh, who have earned their right of self-governance and have flourished as a free, democratic and sovereign nation for almost 30 years,” the resolution states.

“The world community must condemn Azerbaijan for renewing warfare, violating its ceasefire agreement with Armenia, and causing death and destruction to the Armenian population that it so detests,” Krekorian added.  “Its corrupt and autocratic regime is using brute force against civilians in a misguided attempt to reimpose Stalin-era oppression over the indigenous Armenian people of Artsakh in their own ancient homeland.” 

In co-sponsoring the resolution, City Council President Nury Martinez said, “Since Saturday, the people of Artsakh have been under attack by Azerbaijan’s military, who have violently and recklessly attacked children and families, causing the loss of innocent lives.  The City of Los Angeles stands with the Armenian people and the Republic of Artsakh and denounces Azerbaijan for these vicious attacks and violating a cease-fire that is in place. Today, I joined Councilmember Krekorian and my colleagues in issuing a resolution calling on the White House, Secretary of State and Congress to denounce this attack and work to end it immediately.”

Krekorian noted the strong ties between the City of Los Angeles and the Republic of Artsakh. Through Krekorian’s prior work, Los Angeles recognized Artsakh’s sovereignty in 2014, laying the groundwork for California and other states and cities to follow LA’s lead.  In 2012, Krekorian led Los Angeles to establish a historic formal Friendship City relationship with Shushi.  More recently, the government of Azerbaijan unsuccessfully attempted to stop Krekorian from hosting Armenian President Pashinyan at Los Angeles City Hall.  “The City of Los Angeles has always stood in strong solidarity with the people of Artsakh, recognizing the sovereignty of its people and the democratic values of its government,” Krekorian said. 

Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian is chair of the Los Angeles City Council Budget and Finance Committee. His website is, where you can sign up for news updates. Visit him on Twitter (@PaulKrekorian) or Facebook.

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