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The Chilean Chamber of Deputies issued a historic resolution in support of Artsakh

October 02,2020 09:46

(Diario Armenia).- The Chilean Chamber of Deputies issued a resolution in support of Artsakh on October 1.

The Chilean parliamentary body asked the President to “inform Azerbaijan, Armenia and the territory of Nagorno Karabakh that Chile wants the attacks to cease immediately and to persist in the search for a peaceful, legal and historical solution to the conflict, within the framework of the United Nations and international organizations, adjusting to International Law under its principles of prohibition of the use of force, respect for the sovereignty of nations, self-determination of peoples and peaceful settlement of disputes”.

In addition, the President was required to “manifest in all the international instances and forums in which he participates, be they global, regional or bilateral, the need for all member states to make a similar call to the parties in conflict to seek a peaceful solution”.

Lastly, “the expressions of any government outside the parties to the conflict in terms of supporting the military actions and offering military assistance” were rejected, in clear reference to Turkey’s interference in the conflict.

The resolution highlights that “on Sunday, September 27, 2020, Azerbaijan launched a large-scale attack against Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh), which in a few hours caused the death of hundreds of people between military and civilians in several cities”.

“It is essential that all countries that have diplomatic, consular or commercial relations with any of the countries in conflict join this call, because the confrontation could have unforeseeable consequences, especially due to the possible interference of foreign states and especially Turkey, which in 1915 committed the first genocide of the 20th century against the Armenian Nation”, reads the resolution.

Agencia Prensa Armenia

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