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Protesters block 170 Freeway in North Hollywood to bring attention to Karabakh Conflict

October 05,2020 14:04

Public Radio of Armenia. Protesters in support of Armenia temporarily blocked both sides of the 170 Freeway in North Hollywood on Sunday evening to bring attention to the ongoing hostilities in Nagorno Karabakh, Fox 11 reports.

The demonstrators draped themselves with Armenian flags and occupied freeway lanes, prompting traffic to come to a standstill.

This is the second day of consecutive protests in L.A. County organized by Armenian human rights groups.

On Saturday, protesters gathered on the 101 Freeway to draw attention to support Armenia in its conflict with Azerbaijan.

Dozens of people also attended another protest in Glendale in support of Armenia to speak out against a “second genocide” at the hands of Azerbaijan.

Mayor Eric Garcetti said on Sunday that he stands with the people of Armenia.

“L.A. is proud to be home to the largest Armenian diaspora. We stand with the people of Armenia. I urge our leaders in Washington to conduct the sustained and rigorous diplomacy necessary to bring peace to the Artsakh region. Turkey must disengage,” Garcetti tweeted.



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