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Syria: 7 new ministers added to the EU sanctions list

October 17,2020 16:50

Today the Council decided to impose targeted restrictive measures on recently appointed ministers in Syria.

Today’s decision brings to 280 the number of persons targeted by a travel ban and an asset freeze70 entities are also listed and, as such, are subject to an assets freeze.

The sanctions currently in place against the Syrian regime were introduced in 2011, in response to the violent repression of the Syrian civilian population. They also  target companies and prominent business people benefitting from their ties with the regime and the war economy. Restrictive measures also include a ban on the import of oil, restrictions on certain investments, a freeze of the Syrian central bank’s assets that are held in the EU, export restrictions on equipment and technology that could be used for internal repression and on equipment and technology for the monitoring or interception of internet or telephone communications.

The Council keeps developments in the Syrian conflict under constant review. Any decision to prolong the sanctions is for the Council to take on an annual basis.

The EU remains committed to finding a lasting and credible political solution to the conflict in Syria on the basis of UN Security Council resolution 2254 and the 2012 Geneva Communiqué.

The relevant legal acts, including the names of the persons and entities concerned, have been published in the Official Journal.

European Union

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