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Further progress made towards military mobility in the EU

October 20,2020 12:59

The European Commission and the EU High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy have today presented the second Joint Report on the implementation of the Action Plan on Military Mobility.

The Joint Report recognises the continued commitment by the EU Heads of State and Government to invest in transport infrastructure to adapt it to the military needs in instances where this can benefit the civilian movements as well. It also reflects the update of the military requirements and the updated gap analysis between the military and the civilian requirements as well significant progress in regulatory issues, such as the adoption of an EU Form (302) to streamline and simplify customs processes.

Launched in 2018, the Action Plan on Military Mobility aims to facilitate rapid and seamless military movements within and beyond the EU. The Action Plan contributes to the Common Security and Defence Policy, by enabling EU Member States to act faster and more effectively, while fully respecting their national sovereignty and decision-making. The work is undertaken in a coordinated manner at the EU level, between the EU institutions and bodies – the Commission services, the European External Actions Service, including the EU Military Staff, and the European Defence Agency, and in close consultation with the EU Member States. Military Mobility is supported through other defence initiatives, notably the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and is a flagship project within the EU-NATO cooperation framework as well.

 European Union

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