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LA City Council calls on Mercury Public Affairs to cut ties with Turkey, as does California State Sen. Portantino

October 22,2020 16:08

The Armenian Mirror-Spectator. LOS ANGELES – All fifteen Los Angeles City Council members signed a letter dated October 20 written by City Council member Paul Krekorian to Mercury Public Affairs, demanding that the public relations and lobbying firm end its “immoral association” with the Republic of Turkey. The letter notes that Turkey is “universally recognized as (i) the perpetrator of the first genocide in modern history, (ii) one of the worst abusers of human rights in the world, and (iii) a bellicose imperialist that threatens world peace with its lust for conquest.”

The City Council members declare, “Our outrage is particularly acute right now, because the military forces of Azerbaijan have launched a full scale surprise attack against the ethnically Armenian people of the Republic of Artsakh. That ongoing aggression was fully orchestrated with your client, the Republic of Turkey, which has transferred thousands of extremists Jihadist militants from the battlefields of Syria and Libya into the Caucasus to support the slaughter of Armenians.”

At the end, they conclude, “We will never have any dealings whatsoever with any firm that gives support to a client that commits genocide or denies the truth of genocide. Period. We hope your firm will make the right choice and discontinue its immoral association with the Republic of Turkey.”

California State Senator Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge) the same day wrote a letter demanding the same thing, for Mercury to sever its ties with Turkey, which orchestrated the Armenian Genocide, denies it to this day, and now is supporting Azerbaijani attacks on Armenians in Artsakh.




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