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‘Recognize Artsakh’: Sit-in by the US Embassy in Armenia

October 23,2020 18:55

Women and children from Artsakh, as well as citizens of Armenia, carried out a sit-in by the US Embassy in Armenia against the war unleashed by Azerbaijan and Turkey. The demand of the protesters remains the same: recognize the independence of Artsakh.

People hold a protest action front of the US Embassy in Armenia against indifference to the conflict between Artsakh Republic and Azerbaijan

People hold a protest action front of the US Embassy in Armenia against indifference to the conflict between Artsakh Republic and Azerbaijan

The protesters decided to hold a sit-in as long as they do not receive a response from the embassy.

Representatives of the embassy met with the protesters yesterday, but their response did not satisfy the protesters.

The protesters were singing patriotic songs at the sit-in.


Nelly Grigoryan

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