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Azerbaijan has grossly violated the humanitarian ceasefire by firing artillery at Artsakh’s Defense Forces located in the north-eastern part of Artsakh at 8:45

October 26,2020 09:45
After 3 days of negotiations under the auspices of the United States, according to the Press Secretary of Armenia’s Ministry of Defense, Shushan Stepanyan, for the third time, Azerbaijan has grossly violated the humanitarian ceasefire by firing artillery at Artsakh’s Defense Forces located in the north-eastern part of Artsakh at 8:45 am and again at 9:10 am in the south-eastern direction (local time).
“The whole world has called for a ceasefire except for Turkey and Azerbaijan that continue to reject it. We urge the Administration to fully enforce Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act and sanction Turkey,” stated Armenian Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny.
Armenian Assembly of America

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