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Anticipating the effects of AI on the world of work through rights-compliant national strategies

October 26,2020 13:34

According to the Standing Committee, meeting by videoconference, member States should anticipate the effects of AI on human work and devise national strategies to accompany this transition towards more man-machine types of work, where AI is used as an enabler for working in more flexible ways.

“While AI can facilitate human work, it can also have the effect of manipulating human decisions, disrupt access to the labour market, exacerbate socio-economic inequalities, and undermine human dignity and equal opportunities,” the parliamentarians stressed, by adopting a resolution, based on the report by Stefan Schennach (Austia, SOC).

To address the potentially negative impact of AI and preserve the social value of work, the Standing Committee advocates a regulatory framework that promotes complementarity between AI applications and human work, with human oversight in decision-making; State participation in and control of algorithmic development; and the introduction of “AI literacy” through digital education programmes for young people and life-long learning paths for all.

Finally, PACE recommended that the Committee of Ministers launch the process for delivering a comprehensive European legal instrument on AI which would also cover the need for enhanced protection of work-related social rights.


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