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ANCA announces Congressional endorsements

October 28,2020 10:55

— Releases Final 2020 Congressional Report Cards

WASHINGTON, DC – The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) today announced its Congressional endorsements and shared final Congressional Report Cards rating each sitting U.S. Senator and Representative on a broad array of Armenian American policy priorities.

“The ANCA stands by those who stand with Artsakh and Armenia,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “Our merit-based endorsements are earned through strong and steady support for Artsakh, robust U.S-Armenia relations, and justice for the Armenian Genocide – all core elements of our ANCA360 pro-Armenian advocacy agenda.”

Each ANCA endorsement is backed up by detailed Report Cards documenting the track-record of every incumbent Senator and Representative across a broad array of Armenian American issues – with a heavy focus on Artsakh’s security and the ongoing threats that Turkey and Azerbaijan present to the survival of the Armenian nation. This year’s Report Cards cover an unprecedented range of legislative, community, social media activities – including resolutions, letters, events, and public statements in support of the ANCA’s advocacy priorities.

ANCA Report Cards include a point by point overview of the Senator’s / Representative’s support on legislation, Congressional letters, and participation in Capitol Hill events advancing Armenian American priorities.  The overview also includes “Congressional Notes” and “Social Media Posts” spotlighting additional statements, social media posts, and community outreach efforts on issues of Armenian American concern.

ANCA Report Cards also include previous grades and links to previous Report Cards for each Senator and Representative, offering constituents the opportunity to review their progress on Armenian American concerns. A “Congressional Bio” link offers information about the elected official’s background, education, prior occupation, committees they serve on, and methods to contact their Senate/House offices.

ANCA Report Cards are prepared in close consultation with ANCA regional offices and local chapters across the country. The ANCA Eastern Region and ANCA Western Region are in the process of announcing state and local candidate endorsements.  ANCA Western Region endorsements are available at:

To review the ANCA Congressional Report Cards, visit:

To review the ANCA Congressional Endorsements, visit:


Armenian National Committee of America

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