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Artur Saroyan: The dancing policeman of the Urals

October 28,2020 12:18

The Armenian Mirror-Spectator. YEREVAN/YEKATERINBURG, Russia — In Yekaterinburg, 35-year-old Artur Saroyan is known by some as an athlete, others as a policeman, and to yet others as a dancer. He studied at the Ural Law Institute of the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the faculty of training specialists for criminal police and public security police. Arthur serves in the Yekaterinburg police, but since the age of 18 he has been an avid dancer at nightclubs. This is more than a hobby for an athletic young man with a southern temperament and features…

Arthur, I think that for women “dancing policeman” sounds tempting, while for most men it is something unacceptable.

Yes, it not only sounds tempting, but also looks tempting, because I had the image of a policeman, that is, black glasses, a black suit, weapons, batons… Girls, of course, like a beautiful body, a powerful, charismatic person who knows how to move their arms and legs, dance in various genres, plus a hot Southerner, plus a real policeman. This is a special moment; there is no such thing, and thus in demand. As for men, people are more jealous, they want more to be the same, but they cannot afford it; perhaps they have some aggression initially, but after recognizing me and knowing that I am originally a sportsman, and not some kind of dancer who just fascinates girls, of course, they respect me. First of all, my task is to win the respect of men, so that they look at me and take an example from me.

Years ago, I also danced actively once a week with friends at a Yerevan nightclub that no longer exists, and I was not bothered at all by reproaches that it was “not for a serious person”… However, I am sure that dancing is not just moving one’s body, but it is also release, therapy, training, socialization.

Reproaches never bothered me, because I love what I do. I am proud that I can dance. For eighteen years this is like a weekly cardio workout for me, but only in stage dance you can allow yourself to develop, come up with various new creative movements. Therefore, for me, it was, is and will be, as it were, a favorite engagement. This is a hobby that has nothing to do with anything, financial or other situation. This is dance, development and inner psychological liberation. Indeed, when you dance, everything leaves your head and you begin to engage in development. Any new movement of your body is the work of the brain.

What sports did you do and how does sport help dance?

I am a master of sports and champion of Russia in karate, hand-to-hand combat and kick boxing. I have been involved with sports since the age of 6, and I won all the competitions. In this regard, I am a professional, and this, of course, helps me in dancing. In dance, you move, act and show the different things your body can do, how you can present yourself on stage. You are not just a dancer with a beautiful figure, but a powerful warrior, a fighter who can still dance. Therefore, exercise is an indispensable part of me. I want in the future to include music and dance in martial arts, in order to teach a person to be both combat ready and a dancer.

…and dancing in a club

…and dancing in a club

Well, there is a description on some Armenian male dances, that “they are dancing like they are fighting, they are fighting like they are dancing.” Competition is natural in sports: how do you feel about dance competition?

I have never seen any point in dance competitions. I do not compete with anyone; on the contrary, working on stage, when the partners were around, I tried to be on a level, and it was unpleasant for me when a person on the stage did not try as much and ruined the overall esthetic. I never liked these contests, competitions. I can show myself, but to be better than someone … I am not better than someone else, I am just special.

Were there instances when in your policing when people recognized you as a dancer?

Yes. They saw me somewhere at work, and then they saw me in the club and were delighted, that is, the reaction was extremely positive, although maybe there was some kind of negativity on the part of people who envied me and tried to report to the management. A policeman, such a serious position, an athlete, who can be so relaxed. And when people look at me, being in the night spheres, they are delighted. Seeing me they start to move. Here is my feature.

Seeing some of your performances videos, they can be categorized as “For 16+ only.” How would you describe your dance style?

Yes, in some even – 18+, because the genre of my dances originated in nightclubs, I never went to the halls, never rehearsed or studied, it was not interesting to me. Although this hobby was secondary for me, I understood that I was special, exceptional, and that what I want to do, I do, and my body helps me, it brings it in thanks again to sports. Therefore, I will dance in any genre. Let’s just say: I am a dancer from God, but not trained. Such things are not taught, such things can be done in improvisation mode, on stage, with people, in fact to learn, and not to steal in front of the mirror and rehearse something.

You were born in Armenia and have been living in Russia since the age of 2. How much Armenian do you remain in life?

I come from Armenia, my spirit is Armenian, but I owe Russia for all the opportunities and knowledge in my life. Living in Armenia, I would not be able to develop myself so much, to be liberated in the night club sphere. My dance genre may be a little wild for the Armenian audience, although I am sure they will like it. Armenia is always with me, and in the future I would like to develop my own projects and ideas there.

According to official data, 5,271 Armenians now live in Yekaterinburg. Do you participate in community life?

I was not particularly involved in community life, my role is not particularly needed there, but in the future, developing a martial arts school or dance directions, I will naturally involve the Armenian community so that all this knowledge and skills that I have is to pass our compatriots. The Armenians are kind, strong-willed, disciplined, and well-mannered; one can list and enumerate those characteristics that other nations do not have in the complex. Therefore, this new knowledge, which I received as an Armenian, I received right here, this should be given to our new generations.

Has the pandemic affected the lives of clubbers?

Of course it did. The clubs are closed, we do not dance anymore. I go out to run to music, and in the process of running I can dance, I am not shy. And I also want to convey this to the children: yes, you need to temper yourself, not necessarily through music or nightclub: you can use horizontal bars, a gym. You can just dance in the process of your activity, if you want. After a run, I come to the horizontal bars and between sets I dance without caring about what the others think. Whoever likes it, he emulates. And if sadly offended people dislike it, everything has its time, and they will come to this too…

Artsvi Bakhchinyan

Main caption: Artur Saroyan during the day

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