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‘Our state and statehood, our homeland, Artsakh and the Armenians are endangered, now every minute is precious, let’s all take up arms’: Vitaly Balasanyan

October 28,2020 20:01

On September 27, 2020, the Republic of Azerbaijan, at the open instigation of Turkey, launched a large-scale war along the entire border of the Artsakh Republic. For a month now, the Armenian has been fighting a life-and-death battle against an arch-enemy. At this crucial moment, I appeal to all the people of Artsakh living in Artsakh, in Armenia, abroad, my military friends and all the Armenians. Our state and statehood, our homeland, Artsakh and the Armenians are endangered, now every minute is precious, let’s all take up arms.

Hero of Artsakh, General
Vitaly Balasanyan

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