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In light of Azerbaijani bombing of civilian hospital, Armenian Assembly calls for enforcement of Section 907 of the FREEDOM support act

October 29,2020 12:51

Washington, D.C. – According to reporting from officials in Nagorno-Karabakh, a civilian maternity hospital was deliberately targeted yesterday in the capital city of Stepanakert.

Bryan Ardouny, Executive Director, Armenian Assembly of America released the following statement:

“For years, Azerbaijan has paid millions to lobbyists and public relations firms in the U.S. and abroad to hide the truth about the Aliyev regime’s abusive human rights record against both the Armenian people of Nagorno-Karabakh and its own population. Yesterday’s unconscionable attack on a civilian maternity hospital in Stepanakert is not something that they can simply cover up with their blood money lobbying efforts.

“Disturbingly, the attack on the hospital comes after three days of negotiations in Washington, DC working towards a humanitarian ceasefire. The Armenian Assembly of America urges the United States to use every tool at its disposal to ensure adherence to the latest humanitarian ceasefire agreement, and calls for the full enforcement of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act.”

Headquartered in Washington, DC, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest, non-partisan Armenian-American advocacy organization in the United States. Since 1972, the Assembly continues to promote public awareness of Armenian issues, encourage greater Armenian-American participation in the American democratic process, and assist in humanitarian and development programs in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, while strengthening the U.S.-Armenia and U.S.-Nagorno Karabakh relationships.

Armenian Assembly of America

Caption: Maternity hospital in Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh after its bombing by Azerbaijan.

Photo credit: David Ghahramanyan

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