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The purpose of the meeting was to request, on behalf of the Armenian American community of Massachusetts

November 03,2020 09:30

The Armenian Weekly.  ANC of Eastern Massachusetts Meets Representative Ayanna Pressley’s Office

BOSTON, Mass.– Representatives of the Armenian National Committee of Eastern Massachusetts (ANCEM), including Seventh Congressional District constituents, met with Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley’s District Policy Advisor Ronald Claude on October 29. The purpose of the meeting was to request, on behalf of the Armenian American community of Massachusetts, urgent action to defend the Armenians of Artsakh from Azeri and Turkish invasion.

ANC-EM members and activists Dina Apovian, Dikran Kaligian, Anahis Kechejian, Tsoleen Sarian and Annie Youssoufian thanked Representative Pressley for her support and co-signing of H.Res.1165 (to condemn Azerbaijan and Turkey for their attack and aggression targeting Armenian civilians and infrastructure in Artsakh.) Requests were made for Pressley to continue condemnation of Azeri aggression by ending the military and security aid to Baku, to block arm sales to Turkey and Azerbaijan and to make a statement in support of recognizing Artsakh’s independence.

The Committee thanked Mr. Claude for Congresswoman Pressley’s support and offered to continue sending current news and information on the situation.

Tsoleen Sarian

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