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There’s undeniable proof that Turkey recruits, transfers, and deploys mercenaries and terrorists from Syria to Azerbaijan

November 03,2020 17:56
The Republic of Armenia has submitted additional evidence to the #ECtHR substantiating Turkey’s failure to comply with the decision of 6 October 2020 on applying interim measures under #Rule39. The evidence confirms the continuous direct and indirect involvement of Turkey in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
In particular, there’s undeniable proof that Turkey recruits, transfers, and deploys mercenaries and terrorists from Syria to Azerbaijan, which directly participate in the hostilities. Turkey’s involvement in the armed conflict is confirmed not only through direct official statements, but also the conduct of high-ranking state officials.
The evidence submitted to the Court is supported by statements of high-ranking officials of different countries, including CoE member states.
Representative of Armenia before the ECHR

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