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It is within the duties of the international community to ensure human rights protection in all the corners of the world, including in Artsakh, regardless of international status

November 04,2020 22:37
On November 4, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Netherlands Parliament held a special session on the Azerbaijani-Turkish aggression, hosting the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Artsakh Artak Beglaryan.
The online meeting was chaired by Joël Voordewind, the Vice-president of the Committee and Foreign Policy Spokesman of the Christian Union Party. Members of the Parliament, representatives of different parties, as well as members of the parliament staff were present.
The session was opened by the Secretary of the Federation of Armenian Organizations, Inge Drost, who presented the consequences of the aggression, stressed the need to immediately stop Turkey and Azerbaijan, and impose sanctions.
Artak Beglaryan had the main speech, inviting attention to the humanitarian catastrophe, as well as, to the war crimes and crime against humanity. The Human Rights Ombudsman underlined that the international community has a duty to stop the Azerbaijani-Turkish aggression with practical measures, which has caused a serious humanitarian catastrophe in Artsakh. Moreover, it is within the duties of the international community to ensure human rights protection in all the corners of the world, including in Artsakh, regardless of international status.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia Tigran Balayan delivered a speech on the reasons and consequences of the aggression of Azerbaijan and Turkey.
The participants of the session had the same opinion on an urgent ceasefire and on the necessity of bringing the war crime perpetrators to responsibility.

Artak Beglaryan, Artsakh Ombudsman

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