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We are going to go the extra step and recognize Artsakh as an independent state. Horizon Weekly exclusive interview with Canadian senator Leo Housakos

November 07,2020 13:53

Horizon. On Nov 4th, Horizon Weekly International Correspondent, Nazeeg Haneshian interviewed Canadian Senator Leo Housakos.

During the interview, Senator Housakos shared his deep concerns regarding the ongoing Turkish-Azerbaijani aggressions towards the indigenous population of Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh.
He shared his deep concern to the current government, who went against the ban of selling arms to Turkey, advising if they do not abide by principle, the Canadian government will have blood on their hands. He mentioned, “If countries like Canada doesn’t bring Canada’s Foreign Policy back to its position of principle and standing up for what is right, we are in deep trouble.”
With three ceasefires ignored by Azerbaijan, Senator advised there needs to be further action to take place to bring peace to the area. On October 28th, Senator Housakos introduced a motion and called upon the government of Canada to recognize Artsakh, condemn, Turkish- Azerbaijani Aggression and ban all arms to Turkey.
“We have all come to this country for opportunity, freedom and safety. I believe that should not be unique to Canada or the western world.” Senator Housakos shared his support to Armenians all around the world, confirming he will continue to advocate for the self determination of the Republic of Artsakh, because it is the right thing to do.


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