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We wholeheartedly stand with the people of Artsakh and Armenia. We fully support the people of Artsakh’s right to self-determination. Armenian Assembly of America

November 10,2020 10:04

Armenian Assembly of America statement on reporting of agreement to end war in Artsakh

The Armenian Assembly of America is deeply troubled by the reported agreement signed by the Russian Federation, the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Republic of Armenia to end the war in Artsakh.

Azerbaijan launched this military offensive against Artsakh with the open and full support of Turkey, which also recruited and financed jihadist mercenaries in direct contravention of U.S. policy to stop the spread of global terrorism.

We wholeheartedly stand with the people of Artsakh and Armenia. We fully support the people of Artsakh’s right to self-determination. The human, material and emotional toll that the war has taken on the Armenian people is immeasurable and will require significant humanitarian relief from the United States and the international community.

Our prayers are with the families of the fallen defenders of Artsakh, the wounded soldiers, and the tens of thousands of displaced civilians of this tragic war.

We call upon fellow Armenians throughout the world to stand united with the people of Artsakh and extend every measure of support and comfort to the more than one hundred thousand refugees that have fled to Armenia.

We further urge the United States to fully enforce Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act and to impose sanctions against Turkey. The United States must not allow its leadership role in the OSCE-led peace process to be usurped by the authoritarian regimes of Russia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan.

Armenian Assembly of America

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