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Energy Community publishes report on energy reforms during COVID-19 pandemic

November 24,2020 10:50

EU NEIGHBOURS. The Energy Community Secretariat published its Annual Implementation Report. The document covers electricity, gas, energy regulators, oil, renewable energy, energy efficiency, environment, climate, infrastructure, competition, statistics and cyber security. The report shows that the average implementation score for the Energy Community contracting parties (which include Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) has increased from 48% to 53%, marking progress in market-oriented and sustainable energy reforms despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač said: “While there is no doubt that more needs to be done in the areas of emissions abatement, energy efficiency, sustainable renewables and genuine market integration if the Energy Community is to succeed in the clean energy transition, I see the glass as half full. In spite of this year’s challenging conditions, several Contracting Parties managed to leap forward. This goes in particular for Ukraine, which had successfully unbundled Europe’s largest transition system at the end of 2019, and Georgia, which adopted key energy efficiency laws, an overarching energy law and secondary legislation for the power sector.”

Overall, the Energy Community is on track to meet its 2020 energy efficiency target, and financing for energy efficiency, especially in building renovation, has increased despite COVID-19. Renewable energy is another area where the report confirms genuine progress, showing a 19% increase in renewable capacities in the whole of the Energy Community, with an emphasis on solar and onshore wind.

Photo: European Union

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