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RA NA draft decision on abolishing martial law debated and not passed at extraordinary sitting of Parliament

November 27,2020 11:39

On November 26, in accordance with Article 100 of the Constitution and Article 41 of the Constitutional Law of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, at the initiative of the Bright Armenia and Prosperous Armenia Factions of the National Assembly an extraordinary sitting of the National Assembly was convened, and an item was included in the agenda – the NA draft decision on Abolishing Martial Law authored by the RA NA Bright Armenia Faction.

The Secretary of the Bright Armenia Faction Gevorg Gorgisyan presented the initiative, noting that beginning from 27 September 2020 the Turkish-Azerbaijani armed forces had launched large-scale aggression against Artsakh Republic, as a consequence of which, the RA Government made a decision on Declaring Martial Law in the Republic of Armenia. At the same time, the executive body established restrictions being applied during martial law, the temporary restrictions of the rights and freedoms, the means and bodies ensuring the legal regime of the martial law. The MP has stressed that the bases of the precondition for declaring martial law have been removed, but the restrictions are still in force. Taking into consideration this reality, the Faction proposes to abolish the declared martial law, as it restricts and impedes the citizens’ free move, the freedom of assemblies and speech, the economic activities, which in its turn, deepens the crisis of the economy. The MP has added that conditioned by martial law, persons with dual citizenship cannot leave the republic, and the citizens who have been recruited in war days and are in military service until now, cannot return to their everyday life.

Aren Mkrtchyan presented the negative conclusion of the draft decision made by the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security. According to him, there are problems, which are not possible to regulate, canceling the martial law, particularly during the post-war period, the ensuring of the defense of the border along 520km, the organization of the servicemen’s decent watch, etc.

As he has informed, now the Government carries out a legislative initiative, after the adoption of which the abovementioned problems will be regulated without conditions of martial law.

The RA First Deputy Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan presented the position of the Government. She has clarified that today it is not expedient to cancel the martial law, as there are decisions of the Government, which can be applied only in the conditions of martial law. According to the Deputy Minister, it is necessary to cancel the martial law gradually, enacting the legislative package being worked out by the executive body.

The NA deputies expressed their viewpoints on the initiative.

The deputies of the RA NA My Step Faction considered early the abolition of martial law. An opinion has been voiced that the war has not been over yet. The mitigation, the change and cancelation of some events established by the legal regime of martial law declared on 27 September have been considered possible. It has been noted that the martial law will be abolished, but time is needed for the state to get ready to passing it without shock from the existing situation to ordinary regime.

In the opposition MPs’ opinion, the abolition of martial law as soon as possible stems from the interests of the country, and its maintenance pursues political reasons.

The parliamentarians also talked about the post-war situation and voiced their concerns. It has been noted that the Government now takes steps in easing the process of abolishing the regime.

At the extraordinary sitting, the General Secretary of the RA Ministry of Defense Artur Sargsyan also delivered a speech. He thanked the attendees for giving an opportunity to present the position of the Ministry. According to the rapporteur, in case of accepting the initiative and at the same time not accepting it problems will arise on defense and security issues. It has been noted that the Ministry works out relevant legal acts, which being circulated outside the Ministry of Defense and after the debate with the professional circles in other ministries will be accepted by the Government for avoiding the possible problems and finding balanced solutions and approaches.

The representative of the Ministry of Defense proposed those present to be abstained from the adoption of the initiative with the submitted version.

The Head of the RA NA Bright Armenia Faction Edmon Marukyan introduced the events happened from September 27 until now, clarifying some details. He noted that the existing opportunities should be assessed and appropriate decisions should be made. Edmon Marukyan talked about the absence of not held consultations, discussions and the plan of realistic actions.

He called on the MPs to vote for the draft decision on Abolishing Martial Law.

Naira Zohrabyan gave a speech on behalf of the RA NA Prosperous Armenia Faction. She has informed that the Azerbaijani servicemen are in the approaches of Sotk mine, and the authorities cannot control the situation.

According to the rapporteur, the history, the Investigative Committees will still be revealed that the losses are considered to be a result of not rightly assessing their own forces, underlining that time will come for giving an answer.

Naira Zohrabyan touched upon the problems of exchanging the prisoners of war, returning the bodies of the dead and caring the refugees’ needs, talked about not losing the statehood of Armenia and the historical mission of saving Artsakh.

The representative of the RA NA My Step Faction Andranik Kocharyan has noted that the martial law regime is a necessity at this moment, taking into consideration especially the situation in Sotk. According to him, the martial law was established by the decision of the Government and by the proposal of the military department. According to the rapporteur, the military department should make a decision on the necessity of its continuity or suspension, stemming from the problems facing it.

As he has stated, the ruling power, the parliamentary factions shall find a format for holding together consultations, taking steps aimed at overcoming the crisis.

In his final speech Gevorg Gorgisyan noted that the representatives of the government and the deputies of the RA NA My Step Faction tried to connect the maintenance of martial law with the problems of the security of the country. According to the rapporteur, the substantiations presented for the maintenance of martial law are not sufficient.

As a result of voting, the parliament did not pass the draft decision.

Covering the agenda, the parliament ended the work of the extraordinary sitting.


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