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Nabila Hamza and Leoluca Orlando awarded North-South Prize

December 02,2020 22:55

Portuguese Parliament President Marcelo Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues today awarded the Council of Europe’s North-South Prize to Nabila Hamza (Tunisia) and Leoluca Orlando (Italy). The 2019 prize – given in the Senate room of the Portuguese Parliament – annually distinguishes two people for their exceptional defence of human rights and pluralistic democracy, contributing to greater solidarity in a world of growing interdependence.

Nabila Hamza, a sociologist, feminist activist and expert in gender issues, social development and good governance, is also Team Leader of the EU funded programme “Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality”. The jury selected her for a strong commitment to the protection of human rights and women’s rights namely for her contribution to the improvement of Tunisian family law.

Mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando created the “Palermo Charter” in 2015 to defend the right to international mobility and the “Council of Cultures”, an advisory body made up of members elected by migrants to give them a voice in politics. The prize recognizes his efforts to support integration of migrants and reinforcement of human rights and rule of law at the local level.

Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić and Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly President Rik Daems joined the President of the Portuguese Parliament along with  Ambassador Manuel Montobbio, President of the Executive Committee of the North-South Centre, for this hybrid event (the Secretary General and Laureate Leoluca Orlando participated remotely).

Council of Europe

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