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Relatives of soldiers missing in action: ‘How can you take soldiers to the frontlines without bulletproof vests and helmets?’

December 08,2020 21:00

As already mentioned, the relatives of soldiers missing in action gathered by the military base in Ejmiatsin.

After not receiving any response, they called the commander, Arsen Abgaryan.

-Dear Arsen, all of these people are gathered here. Why aren’t you coming outside?

-We made an announcement. I am prepared to receive all of you at 5 PM.

-Listen carefully, you’re not the pope…

-I’m not the pope. No media outlet has the right…

-And you must provide these 34 parents with a response, Arsen. Come outside.

-I received everyone, and I provided everyone with a response…

-No, you didn’t.

-I did. I received everyone.

-Now even news outlets are recording you. Everyone can hear you. Come outside, Arsen.

-I received everyone, and I listened to what everyone had to say.

-Arsen Abgaryan, come outside.

Arsen Abgaryan

Arsen Abgaryan hung up.

The relatives entered the military base where they met Arsen Abgaryan. The parents were angry about how it was possible to take soldiers to war without bulletproof vests and helmets. “I said that I knew we didn’t have those. I’m being clear about the fact that this happened,” Arsen Abgaryan said.

“So, why were you taking soldiers to the frontlines?” an MIA soldier’s relative asked.

“They gave me orders, which I carried out,” Arsen Abgaryan said. The relatives began to demand the name of the person who gave the order. “The head of the military operations on the 26th was Lieutenant General (Andranik) Makaryan,” Arsen Abgaryan responded.

The parents were asking why the military base took their soldiers. They began to attack and shove him. Arsen Abgaryan responded that he did everything he could. The relatives demanded that he should take off his uniform and come with them to the Ministry of Defense. Arsen Abgaryan said that he is prepared to go, but he will not participate in protests and he will not remove his uniform. The relatives demanded a meeting with Andranik Makaryan himself.

Anahit Adoyan

Arsen Abgaryan went to report to his commander. Then, Anahit Adoyan, MIA soldier Vardan Adoyan’s mother, said that Chief of the General Staff, Colonel-General Onik Gasparyan, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant-General Andranik Makaryan, and the Chief of Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Defense forces, Colonel Vardan Nshanyan are waiting for them at the Ministry of Defense, where they will be provided with answers to their questions.

The parents were hesitant about the idea of a meeting, but they left the military base to go to the Ministry of Defense.

Ami Chichakyan

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