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Implementing ECHR judgments: New thematic factsheet on judicial independence

December 08,2020 19:39

The Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has published a new factsheet focusing on cases related to the independence and impartiality of the judicial system. The factsheet summarises measures reported by 21 member states to safeguard and reinforce the independence and impartiality of their national judicial systems in response to ECHR judgments concerning the right to a fair trial.

It includes a section on the independence and impartiality of prosecutors, which form an integral part of European judicial systems. This is the fifth in a series of thematic factsheets on the implementation of ECHR judgments. Previous examples cover constitutional matters, effective investigations into death or ill-treatment caused by the security forces, freedom of religion and the environment. Some of the factsheets are available in other languages in addition to English and French.

Council of Europe

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