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Armenia hosts its first EU-supported multi-stakeholder platform meeting

December 10,2020 12:45

EU NEIGHBOURS. On 4 December, the Green Lane NGO hosted its first multi-stakeholder platform meeting in Armenia as part of the EU4Youth project ‘Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development (SEED) for Green Growth in Borderline Communities’.

The aim of the platform is to unite different organisations (state, non-governmental, NGOs, CSOs, private sector, universities, etc.) to ensure that social entrepreneurship and green innovation practices and initiatives are sustained at central and regional levels of Armenia. Members will work together to promote an enabling environment for social entrepreneurship and green innovation among youth in the South Caucasus region, and to foster dialogue and mechanisms for effective coordination and active advocacy in line with recommendations on the effective transition of youth groups to the labour market.

The meeting began with welcoming remarks from senior EU and Armenian officials, followed by presentations on social entrepreneurship and green innovation, and a discussion of the challenges and opportunities in the field in Armenia.

The invited member organisations play a key role in the development of an social entrepreneurship and green innovation ecosystem, and are expected to have a significant impact on the success of the EU4Youth-SEED project.   

Photo: European Union

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