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‘Many loans and private investments were carried out in the Artsakh territories transferred to Azerbaijan’: Central Bank official

December 10,2020 20:06

“We have a lot to do in terms of loans after the war. The Union of Banks is prepared to help the families of soldiers to lessen the burden of loans. I am aware of cases in which trade banks have already reviewed loans and credit history, and they have made substantial concessions,” the incumbent Secretary-General of the Central Bank Davit Nahapetyan, who was nominated as a member of the Central Bank Council of Armenia by the National Assembly Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, announced during a session of parliament.

“We have a lot of work to do with the government, and we have started mutual discussions. I think that we will be able to find more effective solutions,” he added.

According to Davit Nahapetyan, there is still not a clear understanding of how many financial investments were made in the Artsakh territories transferred to Azerbaijan on behalf of loan and financial organizations and individuals, but the Central Bank is actively gathering information. “Many serious loans and private investments were carried out in the Artsakh territories transferred to Azerbaijan. The evaluations will be provided today. We are working with the governments of Armenia and Artsakh on this issue. Once we have the full picture, the steps that need to be taken will become clearer. They will, of course, be implemented.”


Luiza Sukiasyan

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